Thursday, August 13, 2009

Training Needs Assessments

Reiau o discutie despre TNA de pe in ideea in care ar putea sa-i foloseasca si altcuiva.

Q: Roxana Popa

Training Needs Assesment
Buna tuturor,
Pregatesc un proces de analiza a nevoilor de training pe baza de competente la noi in organizatie. Mi-ar fi de mare de ajutor daca ati putea impartasi ce fel de procese folositi, modele de competente, ce merge bine sau mai putin bine.

Multumesc anticipat pentru inputuri!

A3: Cristian Ducu
Intrebarea este intr-adevar arzatoare pentru multe companii care activeaza in Romania. In urma cu cativa ani am fost la un interviu la Vodafone ca sa ma angajez pe o pozitie de HR/training si a fost interesant sa vad ca domnisoarele din respectivul departament nu stiau de HRAudit (nu HRM Audit, ci cealalta parte)- o functie care asigura in mod constant o evaluare a structurilor de HR, inclusiv TNA, dintr-o organizatie. Aceeasi situatie este si in alte companii.

Exista doua tipuri de TNA: 1) cel care presupune evaluarea nevoilor de training la nivel de organizatie (pe divizii, pe segmente de business, pe niveluri de business, pe departamente etc.); si 2) cel facut de companiile de training pentru un nou proiect de training. Cazul tau se incadreaza in prima varianta.

La comentariul lui Viorel Panaite pot spune ca mersul la GM este inutil daca cel care face TNA-ul nu are acces la strategia de dezvoltare a business-ului. Aceasta strategie, care trebuie sa fie un document scris, este cea care da liniile de dezvoltare si in privinta competentelor de care angajatii (si implicit organizatia) au nevoie. In multinationale, astfel de strategii locale se incadreaza in planul de dezvoltare stabilit in coordonare cu managementul central al organizatiei.

De-abia dupa ce a fost consultat documentul respectiv se merge la GM, pentru SOG ("Strategic Objective Concordance"). Aceasta discutie trebuie sa aiba loc pe marginea unui document scris, care constituie partea initiala a TNA-ului.

Dupa aceasta faza, se trece la evaluarea competentelor existente. Daca nu s-a mai facut acest lucru in compania ta, atunci trebuie sa iei totul de la zero si sa faci cu ajutorul team-leaderilor, project coordonatorilor evaluari a competentelor fiecarui angajat, in functie de zona in care se afla. Daca nu ai un sistem de BI, atunci lucrurile sunt foarte complicate pentru ca trebuie sa stii sa utilizezi Excel-ul. Trebuie sa faci niste formulare speciale in care sa treci competentele existente, competentele urmarite si time framework-ul pentru dobandirea lor.

E ceva de munca daca trebuie sa faci TNA la nivel de organizatie. Daca ai cazul unui departament, atunci lucrurile sunt mai usoare.

Exista ceva literatura pe marginea TNA, dar nu la noi :)
De exemplu, in UK, Ministry of Defence are un regulament special pentru TNA. In SUA, diverse firme de training si evaluare de competente si-au dezvoltat propria metodologie, dar care este secret profesional. Sugestia mea e sa cauti carti de HRM, training (in special cele de la Pfeiffer) si KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes) Evaluation.

Sper sa-ti fi fost de folos.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics '09 [CFP]

"Ethics Committees and Other Ethical Tools"
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest
October 30-31, 2009

We are delighted to invite you at the 2nd edition of the BUCHAREST CONFERENCE IN APPLIED ETHICS, 2009. The event will be hosted by the Faculty of Bucharest, University of Bucharest, during October 30-31, 2009.

The BCAE has been developed as a debate platform, where theorists and practicians meet together and discuss the most important topics in the fields of Applied Ethics. The main aim of these conferences is the advancement of significant solutions for the real world.

This year topic, "Ethics Committees and Other Ethical Tools", reflects the growing interest in institutionalizing ethics. And though there has been some discussions on the role of ethics committees or on the function of some other ethical tools (especially, ethics training and social audit) -- mainly in the form of academic papers --, we consider that the debate is insufficient and too localized. In practice, the theoretical developments are rarely taken into consideration (e.g., in Southern and Eastern Europe, ethics committees function as 'intuitive' bodies, where decision is influenced more by its members' biases, while the Northern European pattern depends heavily on procedures).

Our aim is to bring into light those aspects that can make the ethics tools really work. The ethics committees and the codes of ethics are not individual tools; so we hope to see them working together in integrated ethics (and compliance) frameworks or management systems.

The conference organizers are looking for papers that consider either the integrative model or individual tools. The later approach may discuss topics such as:

* the ethics committees and their role in developing effective policies;
* codes of ethics: typology, role, structure;
* ethics (and compliance) trainings;
* ethics audit, social audit, CSR reporting;
* ethics (and compliance) policies;
* awareness programs;
* other ethical tools.

Early submissions are highly encouraged. This way, the prospective participants may receive the acceptance letters faster.

Prospective participants must send final papers to the conference organizers by September 10, 2009. All papers will circulate before conference and will be temporarily published on the official website. After the conference, the papers will be published in the BCAE Proceedings.

Official language is English, but there will be a Romanian speaking panel.

All papers must observe the editorial guidelines and must be prepared for blind-review (one Word file containing the title, author's name, and an English 200-words abstract + a separate Word file containing the title, the abstract and the paper).

There is no participation fee.

For general inquiries, all correspondence should be sent to:
bcae /AT/ bcae / DOT/ ro.

The BCAE official website:

Friday, May 15, 2009

CSR Training / Training RSC

Smart Solutions & Support, Romania, a inceput inscrierile pentru programul de training CSR Workshops '09, dedicat celor interesati de CSR (responsabilitate sociala corporativa). Toti cei care se vor inscrie in luna mai vor beneficia de o reducere de 50% din pretul de catalog pentru seriile din Bucuresti. Intra pe site-ul programului CSR Workshops '09 si afla mai multe detalii.

Smart Solutions & Support, Romania, has begun the registration process for the CSR Workshops '09. This program is dedicated to all those interested in CSR (corporate social responsibility). Those registring for the training in May 2009 will benefit of a 50% discount from the catalog price for the training series taking place in Bucharest, Romania. Visit now the official website of CSR Workshops '09 and learn more about them.

Site-ul oficial / Official website:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A video-interview about the current challenges for Romanian market

Video-interview with Mr. Cristian Ducu. He speaks about the Romanian training market, business ethics in Romania and the role of the Ethics and Compliance Officer in organizations.

His main ideea is that the current crisis has been artificially induced in the Romanian market by certain big players which have a huge interest in undermining the Romanian economy. The media in conjunction with several economic institutions created a mass-panic that lead to bankruptcy, to cutting training budgets, to firing without discrimination good and bad employees, to limiting services and so on.

In this situation, those that have an open mind and a dynamic business view will understand that it is the best moment to find better, more qualified working-force. In the same time, they should introduce more strict performance indicators to have a better view over the fluctuations of the business and make the necessary adjustments.

The current economic context is also a good opportunity to separate correct businesses from those breaking the law or treating bad their employees, partners, the environment and other stakeholders. It is the time to add value to the organization through adopting special Ethics and Compliance Management Systems, through adopting an attitude that favors Business Ethics.

And this is the reason for hiring an Ethics and Compliance Officer. His job makes perfect sense when so many internal and external factors threat the health and the performance of the organization.

Although he is not an universal solution, he can make the difference on longer-term between companies that work with devoted customers and companies that have a big flow of clients. In the later case, the performance risk is greater and it may easily lead to bankruptcy. In the former case, the client devotion, given not by the uniqueness of the product or service, but by the way the company treats the customer and how the company does business, will ensure a continuous activity for the company.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ethics & Compliance Officer training program

4 more places available for the Ethics & Compliance Officer training program, ECO#82 Series (February 13 - April 4, 2009). Apply now and get a 30% discount. You will also benefit of a special waiver for the CECO Certification Exam.

The participants to the ECO#82 Series (March 13 - April 4, 2009) are coming from companies such as Pfizer Romania, Unicredit Tiriac Bank, Banca Transilvania, BCR Erste etc.